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Sunday, February 28, 2010


Like the sound of the silence calling
I hear ur voice and suddenly im falling, lost in a dream
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting
U say rhose words n my heart stop brrreathing
I wonder wat it means
Wat could it bedat comes over me?
At times I cant move
At times I cant hardly breathe
When u say love me the world goes still so still inside and
When u say u love me for a moment thres no one else alive
Ure the one ive always thought of
I don’t know how but I feel sheltered in ur love
U re wherei belong
And when ur wid me if I close my eyes
There r times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time
Somewhere between the heavens and earth
And frozen in time oh when u say those words
And this journey that we’r on
How far we ve come and I celebrate ebveruy moment
And when u say u love me
Dats all u have to say
Ill always feel this way
when u say u love me
do u know how I love u
Alloh…aku ingin surgamu
Jika iya apa syaratnya?

Alloh….someday…if the time comes for me to get marry
Give me a gud one fpr me
Where, When I sleep You keep on me through him
WheN I wake up You give me ur blessing through his hand

Someday when You give me time to be wid someone
Someone who lead me in my pray
Someone who observe my alquran reading

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Before die, Jesus said in a cross:
Read Matius 27:46
Jesus said,”Eli,Eli, lama sabakhtani?”(my god, my god, why did You leave me?)
Analysis n conclusion:
If Jesus is god, which one else god dat he call?
If Jesus is god, who’s the one who brave to take out god’s soul from his body?
If Jesus is god, when he was graved for 3 days n 3 night, whos the one who hold this world?
If Jesus ‘s body there is a god,he didn’t need to scream to call his god. Everyone who call their god, they must be not god. Jesus call his god, it means he is not god.

Read Lukas 22:43-44
The Angel from the sky shows his self to him (Jesus) to give him a power. He was so scared n pray seriously more than before.He was so scared untill his sweat becomes like a blood drops that fall dawn into the land.
Analysis n conclusion:
Everyone who scared to the angel of god, they must be not god. Jesus was scared to the angel of god, it means he is not god.
Everyone who receive the strength from the angel of god, they must be not god. Jesus received the strength from the angel of god, it means he is not god.
Yohanes 5:19
I said to you, actually a child unable to do something by his self, if he didn’t saw “his father” (Alloh) did it. Coz wat child did was wat father did.
Analysis n conclusion:
It explains that Jesus just do something that asked by his god. Everyone that unable to do something by his self is not god. Jesus unable to do something by his self, it means Jesus is not god. Everyone who call his god, he must be not god. Jesus call his god name. it means Jesus is not god.

Yohanes 5:30
Icouldnt do something by myself, i pass judgment based on wat i heard, and my judgement is fair, cause I didn’t do my own will, but his will who sent me.

Analysis n conclusion:
Jesus said that he unable to do his own will, except his will (Alloh) who sent him. It means he is not god.
Everyone who unable to do something by his own will, it must be not god. Jesus unable to do something by his own will, it means Jesus is not god.
Everyone who sent by god, he must be not god. Jesus said sent by god, it means jesus is not god.
We can concluse from that 2 verses, that Jesus has weak characteristics. It’s impossible for god has weak characteristics. It proves that Jesus is not god, but only a prophet who sent by god.
Now, look at the quran
QS Al Maaidah 116:……..
And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah.?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

i still love u. dont u know dat? all my mind, my heart, my soul r belong to u. please dont do dat to me. it hurts me.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

hari ini, setelah sekian lama, finally q bs ngomong sm u. u dont know how i miss u. plz dont ever do like dat again