9 Benefits of Recitin The QURAN ♥ ♥
1 - Reading and reflecting over the Qur’an fulfils an Islamic duty.
2 - The Qur’an will be a proof for us on the Day of Judgment.
3 - The Qur’an will intercede for us on the Day of Judgment.
4 - Your status in this life will be raised.
5 - You will be from the best of the people.
6 - There are ten rewards for each letter you recite from the Qur’an.
7 - The reciters of the Qur’an will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels.
8- Your position in Paradise is determined by the amount of Qur’an you memorize in this life!
9 - The Qur’an will lead you to Paradise!............
Welcome to My Blog
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Being a Muslim, have you ever been labeled as a Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Sufi, or something else?
What about being accused of being a liberal, hijabi, sellout, or a hardliner?
Many of us may take it as an insult to be labeled as one but the reality is that it is how we are labeled by others – unfortunately sometimes unbeknownst to us – and that is how at times we pick our social circles.
Who is right?
Contrary to the happenings of today, the teachings of Islam lay down the foundations of a social system that purports to unite humanity in one social fabric irrespective of race, national or tribal origin and color. We know that this social system includes in itself all the checks and balances to serve the needs of the society at large and makes humans more civilized. Through endless examples, we Muslims believe that a deviation from this course results in a social disorder at all levels thus disintegrating families and communities and results in an Ummah at odds with itself.
Unfortunately, the situation today is just that…a Muslim Ummah at odds with itself at all levels…
The deviation from and poor execution of the social code of Islam demonstrates nothing but a lack of proper “understanding” of that system by Muslims themselves. That, coupled with the many religious interpretations has divided Muslims in groups of hardliners, liberals, Sunnis, Shias, Hijabis, Tablighis, and hundreds of other groups. Allah revealed and the Prophet propagated ONE Islam and ONE set of teachings. Yet, though all these groups claim to be Muslims and desire to be called as “one”, a large chasm separates all these groups.
Islam is not about extremism, fundamentalism, liberalism, or any other –ism that lurks in the media circles out there – rather it’s about being on the “straight path” as defined by Quran and the Prophet, the deviation from which puts us on “separate” paths. As we traverse the minefields of the present day societies, we see ourselves engaged in endless and senseless debates of trying to make haram as halal and halal as haram. We are pulled in discussions that benefit the general media more than enlightening us to return to and stay the course. Today’s society that feeds on the craze of fashion, figure, and fun is driving us to build fancy houses more than better homes and families. Our priorities obviously have become lopsided.
So, why not follow the “straight” path when it holds so much promise? The reasons are many and have been debated for centuries. One small post clearly can not do justice to the topic, but starting the process will bring us closer to addressing these issues.
One of the reasons is failure to mature in our understanding of the religion. When we fail in such a pursuit, we operate at reduced levels of wisdom and as a result we disintegrate in divided families, communities and nations. This “understanding” can not and should not be mixed with “knowledge”. The truth is that while many of us may have the “knowledge” but we do not really “understand” our religion. The message simply doesn’t “click”. It is only when we start connecting the dots after getting the knowledge that we can begin to see the “light”. Understanding therefore is a process that takes time and requires energy. A teenager may “know” that smoking is bad for health while a chain smoker who just lost a lung to lung cancer may fully “understand” that smoking is bad for health. “Understanding therefore is the awareness of the connectedness of this information. It is understanding which allows knowledge to be put to use. Understanding represents a higher level than simple knowledge.”
……… And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition except men of understanding. (Quran: Aal-e-Imran:7) [(Tafsir At-Tabaree)]
The reality is that we can not achieve higher levels of understanding, when we rely on half-baked knowledge. By prematurely indoctrinating ourselves with Islamic philosophies based on insufficient and inaccurate knowledge, we run the risk of devoiding ourselves from higher levels of “understanding” that in turn can provide us with the wisdom to follow Islam the way our Creator wants it to be followed. We therefore need to be cognizant of the dangers of this half-baked knowledge. Just as we wouldn’t trust our health with doctors who possess little knowledge and our life with airplane pilots who have scarce knowledge of flying, why would we seek to build our destinies by having half-baked knowledge of our religion?
When we take Quranic verses out of context, we deny our sisters the education they need. When we confuse crooked cultural norms with Islamic teachings we start mistreating our families and when we overvalue the worldly rewards, we yearn for more power and money – all symptoms of the problem of lack of understanding.
We must therefore strive to increase our levels of knowledge to a point where we can begin to truly “understand”. But that does require freeing up time as well as space in our minds by pushing out what keeps us preoccupied with the craze of fashion, figure, and fun.
We can not begin to achieve mature levels of religious understanding unless we take our religion seriously – It amazes us to see that many who philosophize others about Islam are usually the ones who do not take religion seriously. A little soul searching can tell us how seriously we take our religion. For example, does the promise of earning “Hasanat” (points for being on the right path) truly excites us to the core and encourages us to do more of good deeds or do we simply feel indifferent? Do those feelings in anyway para
llel those of potential worldly rewards such as earning real money in this world? Does the prospect of getting a million Hasanat excite us more than earning a million dollars? Do the warnings mentioned in the Quran and Hadith for engaging ourselves in certain behaviors indeed make our hearts fearful the way Allah wants us to fear?
Once we start truly valuing the rewards mentioned in our religious teachings more than the worldly rewards and start fearing the warnings mentioned in the Quran and Ahadeeth, we can begin to take our religion seriously. Deeper reflection and more time will bring us closer to being serious.
Allah says in the Quran: "O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam." (Quran, 3:102)
Differences in Religious Interpretations – Although there is almost no disagreement on the authenticity of Quran, it is clear that differing interpretations of Quran in general remain one of the primary dividers of Muslims in general. As hadith is one of the sources of such interpretations, we need to exercise extra due diligence in understanding the true source of hadith. Although the purpose of this post is not to get in the art and science of hadith, a general explanation will help understand the issue.
Scholars strive to establish whether a hadeeth is Sahih (sound or authentic), Hasan (good), Da`if (weak) or Maudu` (fabricated, forged). In general, for a hadith to be saheeh (authentic) it has to meet conditions such as that it has to be from a continuous chain of narrators, the narrators have to be of outstanding character and possess outstanding memory and the hadith must be absent from subtle and obvious defects. There are many other conditions that require an indepth study of Hadith and its sciences. More details can be found in a separate post on this site.
The necessity of narrating and following correct hadith therefore can not be overemphasized, lest we base our religion on fabricated information. Obviously, Muslims who base their religion on fabricated Ahadith are going to form differing opinions than those who take the extra effort to identify such and not use it to base their religion.
To conclude, it is clear that as Muslims, we need to start at the grass root levels within our homes and our communities. More knowledge will help us raise the levels of our understanding. Taking religious teachings more seriously will enable us to get closer to where we agree more and disagree less. Even when we disagree, we will do it in a more civilized way without compromising our fundamentals. When we unite within our families and communities, the positive peaceful vibrations will spread outward and have more of a global impact.
And finally, when we reach that stage, we will have less to complain about unity and everyone else.
taken from http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_194554853893754¬if_t=group_activity
Being a Muslim, have you ever been labeled as a Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Sufi, or something else?
What about being accused of being a liberal, hijabi, sellout, or a hardliner?
Many of us may take it as an insult to be labeled as one but the reality is that it is how we are labeled by others – unfortunately sometimes unbeknownst to us – and that is how at times we pick our social circles.
Who is right?
Contrary to the happenings of today, the teachings of Islam lay down the foundations of a social system that purports to unite humanity in one social fabric irrespective of race, national or tribal origin and color. We know that this social system includes in itself all the checks and balances to serve the needs of the society at large and makes humans more civilized. Through endless examples, we Muslims believe that a deviation from this course results in a social disorder at all levels thus disintegrating families and communities and results in an Ummah at odds with itself.
Unfortunately, the situation today is just that…a Muslim Ummah at odds with itself at all levels…
The deviation from and poor execution of the social code of Islam demonstrates nothing but a lack of proper “understanding” of that system by Muslims themselves. That, coupled with the many religious interpretations has divided Muslims in groups of hardliners, liberals, Sunnis, Shias, Hijabis, Tablighis, and hundreds of other groups. Allah revealed and the Prophet propagated ONE Islam and ONE set of teachings. Yet, though all these groups claim to be Muslims and desire to be called as “one”, a large chasm separates all these groups.
Islam is not about extremism, fundamentalism, liberalism, or any other –ism that lurks in the media circles out there – rather it’s about being on the “straight path” as defined by Quran and the Prophet, the deviation from which puts us on “separate” paths. As we traverse the minefields of the present day societies, we see ourselves engaged in endless and senseless debates of trying to make haram as halal and halal as haram. We are pulled in discussions that benefit the general media more than enlightening us to return to and stay the course. Today’s society that feeds on the craze of fashion, figure, and fun is driving us to build fancy houses more than better homes and families. Our priorities obviously have become lopsided.
So, why not follow the “straight” path when it holds so much promise? The reasons are many and have been debated for centuries. One small post clearly can not do justice to the topic, but starting the process will bring us closer to addressing these issues.
One of the reasons is failure to mature in our understanding of the religion. When we fail in such a pursuit, we operate at reduced levels of wisdom and as a result we disintegrate in divided families, communities and nations. This “understanding” can not and should not be mixed with “knowledge”. The truth is that while many of us may have the “knowledge” but we do not really “understand” our religion. The message simply doesn’t “click”. It is only when we start connecting the dots after getting the knowledge that we can begin to see the “light”. Understanding therefore is a process that takes time and requires energy. A teenager may “know” that smoking is bad for health while a chain smoker who just lost a lung to lung cancer may fully “understand” that smoking is bad for health. “Understanding therefore is the awareness of the connectedness of this information. It is understanding which allows knowledge to be put to use. Understanding represents a higher level than simple knowledge.”
……… And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition except men of understanding. (Quran: Aal-e-Imran:7) [(Tafsir At-Tabaree)]
The reality is that we can not achieve higher levels of understanding, when we rely on half-baked knowledge. By prematurely indoctrinating ourselves with Islamic philosophies based on insufficient and inaccurate knowledge, we run the risk of devoiding ourselves from higher levels of “understanding” that in turn can provide us with the wisdom to follow Islam the way our Creator wants it to be followed. We therefore need to be cognizant of the dangers of this half-baked knowledge. Just as we wouldn’t trust our health with doctors who possess little knowledge and our life with airplane pilots who have scarce knowledge of flying, why would we seek to build our destinies by having half-baked knowledge of our religion?
When we take Quranic verses out of context, we deny our sisters the education they need. When we confuse crooked cultural norms with Islamic teachings we start mistreating our families and when we overvalue the worldly rewards, we yearn for more power and money – all symptoms of the problem of lack of understanding.
We must therefore strive to increase our levels of knowledge to a point where we can begin to truly “understand”. But that does require freeing up time as well as space in our minds by pushing out what keeps us preoccupied with the craze of fashion, figure, and fun.
We can not begin to achieve mature levels of religious understanding unless we take our religion seriously – It amazes us to see that many who philosophize others about Islam are usually the ones who do not take religion seriously. A little soul searching can tell us how seriously we take our religion. For example, does the promise of earning “Hasanat” (points for being on the right path) truly excites us to the core and encourages us to do more of good deeds or do we simply feel indifferent? Do those feelings in anyway para
llel those of potential worldly rewards such as earning real money in this world? Does the prospect of getting a million Hasanat excite us more than earning a million dollars? Do the warnings mentioned in the Quran and Hadith for engaging ourselves in certain behaviors indeed make our hearts fearful the way Allah wants us to fear?
Once we start truly valuing the rewards mentioned in our religious teachings more than the worldly rewards and start fearing the warnings mentioned in the Quran and Ahadeeth, we can begin to take our religion seriously. Deeper reflection and more time will bring us closer to being serious.
Allah says in the Quran: "O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam." (Quran, 3:102)
Differences in Religious Interpretations – Although there is almost no disagreement on the authenticity of Quran, it is clear that differing interpretations of Quran in general remain one of the primary dividers of Muslims in general. As hadith is one of the sources of such interpretations, we need to exercise extra due diligence in understanding the true source of hadith. Although the purpose of this post is not to get in the art and science of hadith, a general explanation will help understand the issue.
Scholars strive to establish whether a hadeeth is Sahih (sound or authentic), Hasan (good), Da`if (weak) or Maudu` (fabricated, forged). In general, for a hadith to be saheeh (authentic) it has to meet conditions such as that it has to be from a continuous chain of narrators, the narrators have to be of outstanding character and possess outstanding memory and the hadith must be absent from subtle and obvious defects. There are many other conditions that require an indepth study of Hadith and its sciences. More details can be found in a separate post on this site.
The necessity of narrating and following correct hadith therefore can not be overemphasized, lest we base our religion on fabricated information. Obviously, Muslims who base their religion on fabricated Ahadith are going to form differing opinions than those who take the extra effort to identify such and not use it to base their religion.
To conclude, it is clear that as Muslims, we need to start at the grass root levels within our homes and our communities. More knowledge will help us raise the levels of our understanding. Taking religious teachings more seriously will enable us to get closer to where we agree more and disagree less. Even when we disagree, we will do it in a more civilized way without compromising our fundamentals. When we unite within our families and communities, the positive peaceful vibrations will spread outward and have more of a global impact.
And finally, when we reach that stage, we will have less to complain about unity and everyone else.
taken from http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_194554853893754¬if_t=group_activity
Every marriage – no matter how stressful, boring, or happy it may be – can use certain tips to give it a boost. This post reviews two pieces of advice that you could implement today for a better married life. If you’re not married, you too can benefit from the concepts as they are applicable across the board.
The first reminder has to do with becoming cognizant once again about our rights toward our spouses as obligated on us by Allah and His prophet (peace be upon him.) What we married couples often forget is that our “Muslim marriage”, just like the rest of our life’s aspects, is governed by the laws of Islam. These divine laws were communicated, commanded, and taught to us by the prophet (peace be upon him) through the Quran and the traditions of Hadith.
So, the first reminder is nothing more than to become ever conscious that the moment you entered your marriage, you became obligated to respect your spouse’s rights as defined under those divine laws. Claiming ignorance about those rights or your lack of resolve in upholding those rights therefore is not a valid excuse.
The problem in this regard is usually two fold. First, many couples simply aren’t even aware and knowledgeable about the rights that both husbands and wives have over each other. It’s not uncommon for many to rush into marriages with all the fanfare but neglecting to learn Islamic teachings regarding marriage and the rights that husbands and wives have over each other. It’s only when they hit roadblocks in their marriages that they start seeking those answers. Problems surface because each spouse assumes certain rights over the other and each spouse’s personal interpretation of what’s right or wrong complicates relationships even further.
The second problem is that while many of us may take the time to understand how their partner is not meeting their individual rights, they often neglect to learn their obligations toward the other spouse. Driven selfishly, each spouse gets preoccupied with how their partner isn’t contributing to the relationship rather than realizing how one is deficient in fulfilling their own obligations.
In the daily routine of give and take therefore, if your relationship is hitting hurdles, both of you ought to invest the time and effort to learn about those rights and obligations. Use this reminder to make a permanent mental note to help you become conscious of how knowingly or unknowingly you transgress and violate your spouse’s rights. Remember, you will be questioned about them.
Allah says about our obligations in general:
“O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations” [Quran: al-Maa’idah 5:1]
“And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily, the covenant will be questioned about” [Quran: al-Isra’ 17:34]
“And whoever transgresses the limits ordained by Allah, then such are the Zalimoon (wrong-doers, etc.)” (Quran: Al-Baqarah; 2:229)
Now to the second reminder – Every relationship is bound to have disagreements, day to day challenges pertaining to a family life, or your spouse just having a “bad day.” These shouldn’t be mistaken for a bad relationship. Where relationships go sour are in how couples respond to such situations. When response to such situations involves disrespect for the other individual, cracks start appearing in relationships. This “disrespect” includes but isn’t limited to putting down the other individual, disregard for the others opinions, raising one’s voice disrespectfully, etc. This then leads to a communications breakdown where disagreements turn into full-fledged disputes, small mistakes by one are perceived as crimes by the other, and just an ordinary “bad” day turns worse by spouses ending up in major fights – sometimes climaxing to points of no return.
We should recognize that Allah created us humans and has codified dignity and respect part of our being. Therefore, when we trample over someone leaving them feel disrespected, we are bound to invoke an equal or worse response from our spouses along with sowing in their hearts the seeds of animosity, hatred and mistrust. So, remember that of all the things that we may use at our disposal to relieve stress or resolve a situation, disrespecting the other shouldn’t be one of them.
Both Allah and the prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the respect and honour that we are entitled to as Muslims and humans. Allah says in the Quran:
“And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with At-Tayyibat (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment.” (Quran: Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #70)
During his last sermon, the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“Your BLOOD, your WEALTH and your HONOR are sacred among you, as sacred as this day of yours in this month of yours in this land of yours. Let those who are present convey it to those who are absent; perhaps he will convey it to one who has more understanding than he does.”(Agreed upon, from the hadeeth of Abu Bakrah).
Abdullah bin Umro reported that he saw the prophet going around the Kaabah in Tawaf saying (to the Kaabah):
“How pure are you and how pure is your fragrance. How great is your majesty and your sanctity. By the One in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad (SAWS), the sanctity of a believer in front of Allah is more than your sanctity – His possessions and his life and we always think good of him.” (Reported by Hadith Ibn Majah)
So, remember that a happy marriage is one in which couples find ways to tackle and resolve challenges without being disrespectful to the other. You can have your tough talks as long as you don’t cross the lines in disrespecting each other. Remember that Islam’s teachings never sanctioned to denigrate human dignity even in times of war then how can we in supposed bonds of love step out of that realm?
To conclude, wives can strive to become what the prophet referred to in this hadith:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The entire world is full of resources, and among them the best resource is a RIGHTEOUS WIFE.” (Reported by: Abdullah ibn Amr (r) Source: Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, #3465)
And for men, the prophet had this to say –
“The most complete believer is the best in character, and the best of you is the BEST TO HIS WOMENFOLK.” (Tirmidhi #1162 and verified)
Let’s learn our rights toward each other and let’s not be disrespectful to the other even when we are dealing with tough situations.
taken from http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_194554853893754¬if_t=group_activity
Every marriage – no matter how stressful, boring, or happy it may be – can use certain tips to give it a boost. This post reviews two pieces of advice that you could implement today for a better married life. If you’re not married, you too can benefit from the concepts as they are applicable across the board.
The first reminder has to do with becoming cognizant once again about our rights toward our spouses as obligated on us by Allah and His prophet (peace be upon him.) What we married couples often forget is that our “Muslim marriage”, just like the rest of our life’s aspects, is governed by the laws of Islam. These divine laws were communicated, commanded, and taught to us by the prophet (peace be upon him) through the Quran and the traditions of Hadith.
So, the first reminder is nothing more than to become ever conscious that the moment you entered your marriage, you became obligated to respect your spouse’s rights as defined under those divine laws. Claiming ignorance about those rights or your lack of resolve in upholding those rights therefore is not a valid excuse.
The problem in this regard is usually two fold. First, many couples simply aren’t even aware and knowledgeable about the rights that both husbands and wives have over each other. It’s not uncommon for many to rush into marriages with all the fanfare but neglecting to learn Islamic teachings regarding marriage and the rights that husbands and wives have over each other. It’s only when they hit roadblocks in their marriages that they start seeking those answers. Problems surface because each spouse assumes certain rights over the other and each spouse’s personal interpretation of what’s right or wrong complicates relationships even further.
The second problem is that while many of us may take the time to understand how their partner is not meeting their individual rights, they often neglect to learn their obligations toward the other spouse. Driven selfishly, each spouse gets preoccupied with how their partner isn’t contributing to the relationship rather than realizing how one is deficient in fulfilling their own obligations.
In the daily routine of give and take therefore, if your relationship is hitting hurdles, both of you ought to invest the time and effort to learn about those rights and obligations. Use this reminder to make a permanent mental note to help you become conscious of how knowingly or unknowingly you transgress and violate your spouse’s rights. Remember, you will be questioned about them.
Allah says about our obligations in general:
“O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations” [Quran: al-Maa’idah 5:1]
“And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily, the covenant will be questioned about” [Quran: al-Isra’ 17:34]
“And whoever transgresses the limits ordained by Allah, then such are the Zalimoon (wrong-doers, etc.)” (Quran: Al-Baqarah; 2:229)
Now to the second reminder – Every relationship is bound to have disagreements, day to day challenges pertaining to a family life, or your spouse just having a “bad day.” These shouldn’t be mistaken for a bad relationship. Where relationships go sour are in how couples respond to such situations. When response to such situations involves disrespect for the other individual, cracks start appearing in relationships. This “disrespect” includes but isn’t limited to putting down the other individual, disregard for the others opinions, raising one’s voice disrespectfully, etc. This then leads to a communications breakdown where disagreements turn into full-fledged disputes, small mistakes by one are perceived as crimes by the other, and just an ordinary “bad” day turns worse by spouses ending up in major fights – sometimes climaxing to points of no return.
We should recognize that Allah created us humans and has codified dignity and respect part of our being. Therefore, when we trample over someone leaving them feel disrespected, we are bound to invoke an equal or worse response from our spouses along with sowing in their hearts the seeds of animosity, hatred and mistrust. So, remember that of all the things that we may use at our disposal to relieve stress or resolve a situation, disrespecting the other shouldn’t be one of them.
Both Allah and the prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the respect and honour that we are entitled to as Muslims and humans. Allah says in the Quran:
“And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with At-Tayyibat (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment.” (Quran: Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #70)
During his last sermon, the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“Your BLOOD, your WEALTH and your HONOR are sacred among you, as sacred as this day of yours in this month of yours in this land of yours. Let those who are present convey it to those who are absent; perhaps he will convey it to one who has more understanding than he does.”(Agreed upon, from the hadeeth of Abu Bakrah).
Abdullah bin Umro reported that he saw the prophet going around the Kaabah in Tawaf saying (to the Kaabah):
“How pure are you and how pure is your fragrance. How great is your majesty and your sanctity. By the One in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad (SAWS), the sanctity of a believer in front of Allah is more than your sanctity – His possessions and his life and we always think good of him.” (Reported by Hadith Ibn Majah)
So, remember that a happy marriage is one in which couples find ways to tackle and resolve challenges without being disrespectful to the other. You can have your tough talks as long as you don’t cross the lines in disrespecting each other. Remember that Islam’s teachings never sanctioned to denigrate human dignity even in times of war then how can we in supposed bonds of love step out of that realm?
To conclude, wives can strive to become what the prophet referred to in this hadith:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The entire world is full of resources, and among them the best resource is a RIGHTEOUS WIFE.” (Reported by: Abdullah ibn Amr (r) Source: Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, #3465)
And for men, the prophet had this to say –
“The most complete believer is the best in character, and the best of you is the BEST TO HIS WOMENFOLK.” (Tirmidhi #1162 and verified)
Let’s learn our rights toward each other and let’s not be disrespectful to the other even when we are dealing with tough situations.
taken from http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_194554853893754¬if_t=group_activity
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ibn Masoud (r.a.a) related that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "The blood of a Muslim may not be legally spilt other than in one of three instances: the married person who commits adultery, a life for a life, and one who forsakes his religion and abandons the community." [Bukhari and Muslim]. In other words, the married person who commits adultery is to be killed by stoning to death [Muslim]. But what about the unmarried person who has sexual relationships? Rest assured that this person will not go unpunished - he or she is to be caned or whipped one hundred times [Muslim]. Even in the Hereafter, the punishment is severe: the Prophet (s.a.w) saw adulterers, men and women, in a baking oven in Hellfire [Bukhari].
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Remember our death!!THEday when our eyes start 2close 4ever,when our lips unable 2speak,when our skin becomes so pale&cold,when our body is wrapped wid a shroud,&its incorporated into grave,when we'll b alone,really2 alone,no family or even friends,when allah's angels come 2ask us,when no one able 2help,no one except OUR PRAYERS,SHAUM,SUJUD,DZIKIR,SHADAQAH, WORSHIP, &OTHER GUD DEEDS.LETS DO IT NOW OR WE'LL REGRET IT!
A British man came to a Muslim and asked : why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man? The Muslim said: Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth? British man said : Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth . Muslim replied: Our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men ッ
•♥• I am Islam •♥•
In a world of Hate,
I am Love.
In a world of Shame,
I stand proud.
In a world of Chaos,
I am Peace.
In a world of Haste,
I am Patience.
In a world of Unjust,
I am Fair.
In a world of Defiance,
I am obedient.
In a world of Evil,
I am Good.
In a world of Despair,
I am Hope.
In a world of falling Religion,
I am Strong.
In a world of Darkness,
I am the Light.
In a world like this,
I am Islam.
by i love quran
In a world of Hate,
I am Love.
In a world of Shame,
I stand proud.
In a world of Chaos,
I am Peace.
In a world of Haste,
I am Patience.
In a world of Unjust,
I am Fair.
In a world of Defiance,
I am obedient.
In a world of Evil,
I am Good.
In a world of Despair,
I am Hope.
In a world of falling Religion,
I am Strong.
In a world of Darkness,
I am the Light.
In a world like this,
I am Islam.
by i love quran
Sunday, April 10, 2011
•♥• Our Queens •♥•
A British man came to a Muslim and asked : why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man? The Muslim said: Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth? British man said : Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth . Muslim replied: Our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men ッ
HELP THE POOR :- Remember even the smallest of gifts like a piece of a bread may be the reason, Allah forgives you and enter you into Heaven.
♥ Leave something for ALLAH but never leave ALLAH for something… Because in life, Something will leave you but “ALLAH” will always be there for you,
♥ Never leave a good deed because of its difficulty, for the difficulty will eventually go but the deed will remain forever.
★ Never do a bad deed because of its pleasure/enjoyment, for the pleasure/enjoyment will eventually go but the deed will remain forever.
♥ Pray is an Amazing Exchange.
you handover Your Worries to ALLAH.
Allah hands over His Blessings to You
♥ Start the work in the name of Allah...
Do the work with the help of Allah.....
Finish the work with thanks to Allah.....
Because Allah... decides, gives & makes everything in your life possible
A British man came to a Muslim and asked : why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man? The Muslim said: Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth? British man said : Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth . Muslim replied: Our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men ッ
HELP THE POOR :- Remember even the smallest of gifts like a piece of a bread may be the reason, Allah forgives you and enter you into Heaven.
♥ Leave something for ALLAH but never leave ALLAH for something… Because in life, Something will leave you but “ALLAH” will always be there for you,
♥ Never leave a good deed because of its difficulty, for the difficulty will eventually go but the deed will remain forever.
★ Never do a bad deed because of its pleasure/enjoyment, for the pleasure/enjoyment will eventually go but the deed will remain forever.
♥ Pray is an Amazing Exchange.
you handover Your Worries to ALLAH.
Allah hands over His Blessings to You
♥ Start the work in the name of Allah...
Do the work with the help of Allah.....
Finish the work with thanks to Allah.....
Because Allah... decides, gives & makes everything in your life possible
Miracles of "Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"
It is written in “Futuhush Shaam” and other books of history and also in Tafseer Kabeer that Heraclius (ruler of Rome) wrote to Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab (May Allah be well pleased with him) that I have been suffering from headache for a very long time, which does not abate even for a moment. You please send some medicine for this.
Hazrat Umar (May Allah be well pleased with him) sent a cap, which when placed on the head would immediately relieve his headache. When it was removed, the headache would come back on again. Heraclius was very surprised with this and he started searching through the cap. He got a paper on which “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” was written (in Arabic script). On this Heraclius said: Sublime is He! What a great name through whose blessings, the Lord granted me cure.
After that, that cap was passed on through his progeny generation after a generation as a blessing, to the point that it reached one of the provinces, which later on came under Islamic rule. When Motasim, the caliph, passed through that area, by chance he started suffering from a serious headache. Then this cap was sent to him and as soon as he placed it on his head, his headache abated. He ordered that the cap be stripped and on doing so, the paper with “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” was found.
It is given in Tafseer Kabeer and also books of history that a Zoroastrian came to Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (May Allah be well pleased with him) and asked him: Whatever claims you have about Islam and they way you consider your religion to be true, why do believe that your religion is true and if you are true, then show a sign of the truthfulness of your religion.
On this Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (May Allah be well pleased with him) sent for the most potent poison. A box was brought to him, whose smallest piece was also fatal. Hadhrat Khalid (May Allah be well pleased with him) took the whole of it, said “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” and ate everything. By the grace of Allah Ta’ala, nothing happened to him. On this, the Zoroastrian said: Indeed! This religion is true.
It has been narrated that the Pharaoh, before claiming godhood, constructed a house and got the blessed name of Allah Ta’ala inscribed on its door. Then he claimed godhood and Prophet Moosa (Peace be upon him) was sent to guide him. How much ever he (Peace be upon him) would try to guide him, the effect would be the reverse. At last Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) supplicated: O Lord! I have spared no effort in preaching to him and trying to guide him to the right path. However, no results are to be seen. There are no good hopes with him either. The Lord Almighty said: O Moosa (Peace be upon him)! Maybe that your intention is to kill him? But Moosa (Peace be upon him), you are seeing his apostasy and denial and We are seeing the name on his door.
Thus, there are so many benefits and blessings of “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” that they are inestimable. Hadhrat Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) ruled over the humans and genies through its blessings and through its blessings, the ark of Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) was saved from capsizing, that when he had removed the anchor of the ship, he had recited “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”.
It is written in “Futuhush Shaam” and other books of history and also in Tafseer Kabeer that Heraclius (ruler of Rome) wrote to Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab (May Allah be well pleased with him) that I have been suffering from headache for a very long time, which does not abate even for a moment. You please send some medicine for this.
Hazrat Umar (May Allah be well pleased with him) sent a cap, which when placed on the head would immediately relieve his headache. When it was removed, the headache would come back on again. Heraclius was very surprised with this and he started searching through the cap. He got a paper on which “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” was written (in Arabic script). On this Heraclius said: Sublime is He! What a great name through whose blessings, the Lord granted me cure.
After that, that cap was passed on through his progeny generation after a generation as a blessing, to the point that it reached one of the provinces, which later on came under Islamic rule. When Motasim, the caliph, passed through that area, by chance he started suffering from a serious headache. Then this cap was sent to him and as soon as he placed it on his head, his headache abated. He ordered that the cap be stripped and on doing so, the paper with “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” was found.
It is given in Tafseer Kabeer and also books of history that a Zoroastrian came to Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (May Allah be well pleased with him) and asked him: Whatever claims you have about Islam and they way you consider your religion to be true, why do believe that your religion is true and if you are true, then show a sign of the truthfulness of your religion.
On this Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (May Allah be well pleased with him) sent for the most potent poison. A box was brought to him, whose smallest piece was also fatal. Hadhrat Khalid (May Allah be well pleased with him) took the whole of it, said “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” and ate everything. By the grace of Allah Ta’ala, nothing happened to him. On this, the Zoroastrian said: Indeed! This religion is true.
It has been narrated that the Pharaoh, before claiming godhood, constructed a house and got the blessed name of Allah Ta’ala inscribed on its door. Then he claimed godhood and Prophet Moosa (Peace be upon him) was sent to guide him. How much ever he (Peace be upon him) would try to guide him, the effect would be the reverse. At last Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) supplicated: O Lord! I have spared no effort in preaching to him and trying to guide him to the right path. However, no results are to be seen. There are no good hopes with him either. The Lord Almighty said: O Moosa (Peace be upon him)! Maybe that your intention is to kill him? But Moosa (Peace be upon him), you are seeing his apostasy and denial and We are seeing the name on his door.
Thus, there are so many benefits and blessings of “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem” that they are inestimable. Hadhrat Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) ruled over the humans and genies through its blessings and through its blessings, the ark of Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) was saved from capsizing, that when he had removed the anchor of the ship, he had recited “Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”.
Quran teaches science 1400 years back!
There are more than 6.6 billion people in the world, and each of them having unique fingerprints. How big is the area on your fingertips? 2cm by 2 cm? Can you fit 1000 different designs in 2×2cm area? How about only 1 million? Not to say more than 6 billion… of course it’s an impossible thing to do.
That’s the power of Allah ! Verily He is the All Powerful, and everything is Be and It is, for Him. Allah says regarding fingerprints:
♥ Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time in front of him. Quran: Surah al-Qiyamah (Resurection)
But how many people care to read Quran and ponder on its messages? Even we Muslims do not read it often, chasing after this world and being busy with our business.
There are more than 6.6 billion people in the world, and each of them having unique fingerprints. How big is the area on your fingertips? 2cm by 2 cm? Can you fit 1000 different designs in 2×2cm area? How about only 1 million? Not to say more than 6 billion… of course it’s an impossible thing to do.
That’s the power of Allah ! Verily He is the All Powerful, and everything is Be and It is, for Him. Allah says regarding fingerprints:
♥ Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time in front of him. Quran: Surah al-Qiyamah (Resurection)
But how many people care to read Quran and ponder on its messages? Even we Muslims do not read it often, chasing after this world and being busy with our business.
How Quran lead me towards Islam
My name is Sally, my Muslim friends call me Asma. I am thirteen years old, and I converted to Islam on February 16, 2010.
I was born to a non-practicing Catholic mother and a Conservative Jewish father. I was raised a reform Jew and became very ‘into’ Judaism. I had plans to become a Bat Mitzvah (daughter of the commandment) and a rabbi at the age of eight.
When I was twelve, I finally became a Bat Mitzvah. I also sparked an interest for other religions, specifically, Islam, as most of my friends at the time were Muslim. SubhanAllah, I got my hands on an English translation of the Holy Qur’an! The more I read, the more I researched. I read even more about Judaism, and I started to disagree with it more and more.
A small group from our temple took a tour of the local Masjid. That was it. I HAD to convert. I knew in my heart that Islam was the Truth-the answer to all of my problems. On February 16, 2010, I sat with my Muslim friends on the floor of my school library and said the Shahadda.
As of now (May 2010) my parents do not know of my conversion. I have been told by many not to tell them until I am eighteen. It is hard to be a Muslim in a conservative family who thinks that Muslims are terrorists. Until I am eighteen, I will continue praying in closets and studying Qur’an at midnight. InshAllah everything will work out in the end :)
My name is Sally, my Muslim friends call me Asma. I am thirteen years old, and I converted to Islam on February 16, 2010.
I was born to a non-practicing Catholic mother and a Conservative Jewish father. I was raised a reform Jew and became very ‘into’ Judaism. I had plans to become a Bat Mitzvah (daughter of the commandment) and a rabbi at the age of eight.
When I was twelve, I finally became a Bat Mitzvah. I also sparked an interest for other religions, specifically, Islam, as most of my friends at the time were Muslim. SubhanAllah, I got my hands on an English translation of the Holy Qur’an! The more I read, the more I researched. I read even more about Judaism, and I started to disagree with it more and more.
A small group from our temple took a tour of the local Masjid. That was it. I HAD to convert. I knew in my heart that Islam was the Truth-the answer to all of my problems. On February 16, 2010, I sat with my Muslim friends on the floor of my school library and said the Shahadda.
As of now (May 2010) my parents do not know of my conversion. I have been told by many not to tell them until I am eighteen. It is hard to be a Muslim in a conservative family who thinks that Muslims are terrorists. Until I am eighteen, I will continue praying in closets and studying Qur’an at midnight. InshAllah everything will work out in the end :)
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Benefits of Sujood
For thanking the Creator, for preventing a crisis, for healing sickness and diseases, for eliminating a problem, a Muslim prostrates, makes Sujood, to Allah (swt). A Muslim thanks Allah (swt) daily and regularly. A Muslim's methods of thanks and appreciations could be the minimum, saying verbally: "Subhana Rabbil ah'lah (Praise be to Allah)," (swt) or the maximum, i.e. of prostrating to Allah. During prostration, a person glorifies Allah, exalts Him, praises Him, and surrenders to Him.
Prostration is to Allah (swt) alone. No prostration is to be performed in front of any king, royal highness, president, or any other leader. Those individuals should also make sujood to Allah alone, and they should not allow anyone to bow to them or to prostrate to them. There are many medical benefits of prostration. As Muslims, one must pray five times a day. During the process of prayer, a Muslim must first stand erect; then bow forward; then prostrate on the floor where the whole body is bent; and then sit down on the floor to recite Tashahhud, Salat- Ibrahim, and other Du'as. All of these movements help the Muslims to have the least amount of arthritic problems on their bodies.
Salat postures corresponding to the word Adam
Another interesting feature of the salat (prayer) is that the course of assuming three main positions (qiyam, rukuh, and sajdah) one makes the physical shapes of the Arabic Alif, Dal, and Mim. These spell the word Adam, the name of the first created human and the first prophet (a.s.).
People are exposed daily to many different problems. They may also be exposed to many electrostatic charges from the atmosphere. These charges are affect the central nervous systems (CNS) supersaturating it. One has to rid themselves of these extra charges, otherwise, they will have headaches, neck aches, muscle spasms, etc. The best way to get rid of these extra electrostatic charges is by dissipating them and discharging them from the body. In as much as an electrical appliance is in need of grounding (or "earthing") by the use of an electric cord, a human being has to "earth" him/herself to the ground as well. By putting, his/her forehead on the ground, because the thinking capacity of the brain is in the forelobe and not the topmost portion of the brain, one dissipates the extra electrostatic charges from the brain and the central nervous system to the ground. Therefore, one will receive piece of mind and soul. By doing prayer five times a day, with each prayer having several prostrations in it, a person will undoubtedly feel more peace, happiness, and relaxation. This type of approach does not cost money and does not have any side effects. It is very natural. This is the best method for allowing a person to continue to live in peace, harmony, obedience, and happiness for the rest of his/her life.
Above all, a Muslim who performs prostration on the floor as a sign of obedience will attain tremendous rewards and blessings from our Creator, AllahA Almighty.
Saturday, April 02, 2011
oh Allah,,,,,, to U i complain our probs
o Allah,,,, they burn our holy qur'an
they tread it as like its as damn paper which useless
they even make qur'an sheet as toilet paper
its pain n really hurt us
they said our Islam is satan's religion
o Allah....i ask U, who is the real satan
us or them?
they said islam is terrorist
n i ask U
who is the real terrorist?
us or them?
O,,,,, Allah
they forbid us to carry a sound of azan in Ur earth
they forbid us to wear hijab, burqa n niqab
they even forbid us to do prayer which its Ur command
they forbid us to build masjid
they kill our bro n sis who reverted to islam
they killed our bro n sis in our own lands
they try to grab our land
they slander us of something we dont do
our Allah.... our heart cry coz of all these
o Allah.....
we know how they hate us
but we also know dat U always wid us
how hard they try to prevent islam spreading in Ur earth
as much as it, people reverted to Islam
Our Allah...
maybe we have nothing now
but we have U n our iman
then its enough
be wid us always....coz U r source of our strength
o Allah,,,, they burn our holy qur'an
they tread it as like its as damn paper which useless
they even make qur'an sheet as toilet paper
its pain n really hurt us
they said our Islam is satan's religion
o Allah....i ask U, who is the real satan
us or them?
they said islam is terrorist
n i ask U
who is the real terrorist?
us or them?
O,,,,, Allah
they forbid us to carry a sound of azan in Ur earth
they forbid us to wear hijab, burqa n niqab
they even forbid us to do prayer which its Ur command
they forbid us to build masjid
they kill our bro n sis who reverted to islam
they killed our bro n sis in our own lands
they try to grab our land
they slander us of something we dont do
our Allah.... our heart cry coz of all these
o Allah.....
we know how they hate us
but we also know dat U always wid us
how hard they try to prevent islam spreading in Ur earth
as much as it, people reverted to Islam
Our Allah...
maybe we have nothing now
but we have U n our iman
then its enough
be wid us always....coz U r source of our strength
Meaning of some dua that we pray in Salah:
► "Allahu Akbar.” (Allah is the Greatest)
► "Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim." (How Perfect is my Lord, the Supreme)
► "Sami'Allahu liman hamidah." (Allah hears those who praise Him)
► "Rabbana lakal hamd." (Our Lord, praise be to You).
► "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la." (How Perfect is my Lord, the Highest)
► "Allahu Akbar.” (Allah is the Greatest)
► "Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim." (How Perfect is my Lord, the Supreme)
► "Sami'Allahu liman hamidah." (Allah hears those who praise Him)
► "Rabbana lakal hamd." (Our Lord, praise be to You).
► "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la." (How Perfect is my Lord, the Highest)
Honey :: Healing for humankind :: Perfect Picture
There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying color, wherein is healing for men, Verily in this is indeed a sign for people who think [Noble Quran: 16:69]
The bee assimilates juices of various kinds of flowers and fruits and forms honey within its body. which it stores in wax cells. Only a couple of century ago people came to know that honey comes from bees and it has a marvelous healing power – But this fact was mentioned in Quran 1400 Years ago!!!
We are only now aware that honey has healing property and is also a mild antiseptic, Russians would use honey to cover their wounds in world war II the wound would retain moisture and would leave very little scar tissue!
It can’t be a co-incidence that an illiterate man in the middle of desert would tackle and found this, when the reign of superstitions was dominant!
Indeed it’s nothing more than another proof that Quran is NOT a man made book! Nevertheless this is JUST a tiny miracle of Quran among all the miracles of the noblest book!
There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying color, wherein is healing for men, Verily in this is indeed a sign for people who think [Noble Quran: 16:69]
The bee assimilates juices of various kinds of flowers and fruits and forms honey within its body. which it stores in wax cells. Only a couple of century ago people came to know that honey comes from bees and it has a marvelous healing power – But this fact was mentioned in Quran 1400 Years ago!!!
We are only now aware that honey has healing property and is also a mild antiseptic, Russians would use honey to cover their wounds in world war II the wound would retain moisture and would leave very little scar tissue!
It can’t be a co-incidence that an illiterate man in the middle of desert would tackle and found this, when the reign of superstitions was dominant!
Indeed it’s nothing more than another proof that Quran is NOT a man made book! Nevertheless this is JUST a tiny miracle of Quran among all the miracles of the noblest book!
-♥♥♥- My heart is so lost in ALLAH ..
Allah is the ONE that i could not LIVE WITHOUT..
My Lord is enough for me,
Glory be to Allah.
There is nothing in my heart except Allah -♥♥♥-
Allah is the ONE that i could not LIVE WITHOUT..
My Lord is enough for me,
Glory be to Allah.
There is nothing in my heart except Allah -♥♥♥-
Surahs Al-Falaq and An-Nas
Hadith - At-Tirmidhi, Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to seek protection against the Jinn and the evil eye till surahs al-Falaq and an-Nas were revealed. After they were revealed he stuck to them and discarded everything beside them.
[Transmitted by Tirmidhi.]
Hadith - At-Tirmidhi, Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to seek protection against the Jinn and the evil eye till surahs al-Falaq and an-Nas were revealed. After they were revealed he stuck to them and discarded everything beside them.
[Transmitted by Tirmidhi.]
''Ajwa Dates – The Prophet’s[صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم] favorite dates''
''Ajwa Dates Keep Away Harm, Poison And Magic''
Ajwa (عجوة) is a soft dry variety of date fruit from Saudi Arabia. It is cultivated at Madina Monawara. A delightfully soft and fruity date with fine texture.
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“Whoever has seven Ajwa dates every morning he will not be harmed on that day by poison or magic.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5445) (5768) (5769) (5779)].
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“Ajwa dates are from paradise.”
[Tirmidhee (2068) he said hasan Saheeh and it was authenticated by Shaikh al-Albaani].
Referring to eating seven Ajwa dates,
the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“He will not be harmed by anything until he reaches the evening.” [Saheeh Muslim (2047)].
These dates cost around 70 Saudi Riyals per KiloGram.
There are also “imitations” or some sold an inferior quality dates and “conned” the customers as “AJWA dates” To know whether its AJWA, look closely at the dates. There are very fine white lines on the dates.
Madina Dates Keep Away Harm
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“Whoever has seven dates between the two areas (the east and west of Madina) as soon as he wakes up every morning, he will not be harmed on that day by poison until the evening.” [Saheeh Muslim (154) (2047)].
Dates In One’s Home
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“O Aisha! A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry. Oh Aisha! A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry.”
[Saheeh Muslim (153), (2046)].
A totally different kind of post,hope you enjoyed knowing prophets[pbuh] fav food items.and advantages of using them.:)
JazakAllahu khair for reading…..
''Ajwa Dates Keep Away Harm, Poison And Magic''
Ajwa (عجوة) is a soft dry variety of date fruit from Saudi Arabia. It is cultivated at Madina Monawara. A delightfully soft and fruity date with fine texture.
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“Whoever has seven Ajwa dates every morning he will not be harmed on that day by poison or magic.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5445) (5768) (5769) (5779)].
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“Ajwa dates are from paradise.”
[Tirmidhee (2068) he said hasan Saheeh and it was authenticated by Shaikh al-Albaani].
Referring to eating seven Ajwa dates,
the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“He will not be harmed by anything until he reaches the evening.” [Saheeh Muslim (2047)].
These dates cost around 70 Saudi Riyals per KiloGram.
There are also “imitations” or some sold an inferior quality dates and “conned” the customers as “AJWA dates” To know whether its AJWA, look closely at the dates. There are very fine white lines on the dates.
Madina Dates Keep Away Harm
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“Whoever has seven dates between the two areas (the east and west of Madina) as soon as he wakes up every morning, he will not be harmed on that day by poison until the evening.” [Saheeh Muslim (154) (2047)].
Dates In One’s Home
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said,
“O Aisha! A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry. Oh Aisha! A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry.”
[Saheeh Muslim (153), (2046)].
A totally different kind of post,hope you enjoyed knowing prophets[pbuh] fav food items.and advantages of using them.:)
JazakAllahu khair for reading…..
♥ Du'a ♥
Oh ALLAH, I have no money, but I have You. I am rich.
Oh ALLAH, I have no freedom, but I believe in You. I am free.
Oh ALLAH, I have no patience, but I read Your Quran. I am calm.
Oh ALLAH, I get no respect, but You listen to my dua. I am proud.
Oh ALLAH, I have no time, but I think of Jannah. I have forever.
Oh ALLAH, I have much time, but I look at Your Signs. I have today.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so weak, but I fast Ramadan. I am strong.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so tired, but I make dua. I open my eyes.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so dirty, but I repent to You. I am cleansed.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so depressed, but I remember you. I am at peace.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so lost, but I follow Your Commands. I am safe.
Oh ALLAH, nobody listens, but You never turn your back on me. I am grateful.
Oh ALLAH, my heart breaks, but I imagine meeting You. My heart finds rest.
Oh ALLAH, I cry every night, but I make wudu. I wash away my tears.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so alone, but I pray to You..♥
Oh ALLAH, I have no money, but I have You. I am rich.
Oh ALLAH, I have no freedom, but I believe in You. I am free.
Oh ALLAH, I have no patience, but I read Your Quran. I am calm.
Oh ALLAH, I get no respect, but You listen to my dua. I am proud.
Oh ALLAH, I have no time, but I think of Jannah. I have forever.
Oh ALLAH, I have much time, but I look at Your Signs. I have today.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so weak, but I fast Ramadan. I am strong.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so tired, but I make dua. I open my eyes.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so dirty, but I repent to You. I am cleansed.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so depressed, but I remember you. I am at peace.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so lost, but I follow Your Commands. I am safe.
Oh ALLAH, nobody listens, but You never turn your back on me. I am grateful.
Oh ALLAH, my heart breaks, but I imagine meeting You. My heart finds rest.
Oh ALLAH, I cry every night, but I make wudu. I wash away my tears.
Oh ALLAH, I feel so alone, but I pray to You..♥
♥ A word "MOTHER" that means the world to me ♥
• My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."
...• My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to be my age, you'll understand."
• My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."
• My mother taught me IRONY.
"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."
• My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."
• My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."
• My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."
• My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."
• My mother taught me about JUSTICE.
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"
"M" - is for million things she gave me,
"O" - is for the way she never grows old,
"T" - is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" - is for her heart of purest gold,
"E" - if for her eyes, with love - light shining,
"R" - means right, and right she'll always be
• My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."
...• My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to be my age, you'll understand."
• My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."
• My mother taught me IRONY.
"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."
• My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."
• My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."
• My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."
• My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."
• My mother taught me about JUSTICE.
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"
"M" - is for million things she gave me,
"O" - is for the way she never grows old,
"T" - is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" - is for her heart of purest gold,
"E" - if for her eyes, with love - light shining,
"R" - means right, and right she'll always be
We Says:iTs Impossible,
ALLAH Says: All is POssible,
We Says: i'm Too Tired
ALLAH Says: i'll Give u rEst
We Says: i Can't Do it
ALLAH Says: yOu cAn do eVery tHing
We Says: i'm UnAble
ALLAH Says: u Are aBle for eVery tHing,
We Says: i CAn't fOrgive mY sElf,
ALLAH Says: i fOrgive U,
We Says: nO boDy lOve me,
ALLAH Says: i ♥ yOu...........!!!
ALLAH Says: All is POssible,
We Says: i'm Too Tired
ALLAH Says: i'll Give u rEst
We Says: i Can't Do it
ALLAH Says: yOu cAn do eVery tHing
We Says: i'm UnAble
ALLAH Says: u Are aBle for eVery tHing,
We Says: i CAn't fOrgive mY sElf,
ALLAH Says: i fOrgive U,
We Says: nO boDy lOve me,
ALLAH Says: i ♥ yOu...........!!!
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi, {Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi, {Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon Him) said,
“Allah will build a house in Paradise for whoever is diligent in observing 12 sunnah rakaat (as follows):
4 rakaat before and 2 after the Dhuhr Prayer,
2 after the Maghrib,
2 after the Isha Prayer,
and 2 before the Fajr Prayer.”
[Reported by Tirmidhi and others]
“Allah will build a house in Paradise for whoever is diligent in observing 12 sunnah rakaat (as follows):
4 rakaat before and 2 after the Dhuhr Prayer,
2 after the Maghrib,
2 after the Isha Prayer,
and 2 before the Fajr Prayer.”
[Reported by Tirmidhi and others]
The Prophet of Allaah, sallallahu alayhee wa aalehee wasalam said:
“The eyes of 2 people that will never witness the fire of Hell: the eyes of a soldier who keeps guard at frontiers & on battlefields, & of those whose awe of Allaah causes them to cry.” [Tirmidhee, Fadha’il Al-Jihad (Virtues of War), 12]
“The eyes of 2 people that will never witness the fire of Hell: the eyes of a soldier who keeps guard at frontiers & on battlefields, & of those whose awe of Allaah causes them to cry.” [Tirmidhee, Fadha’il Al-Jihad (Virtues of War), 12]
"And if Allah touches you with hurt, there is none who can remove it but He; and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can keep back His favour; He brings it to whom He pleases of His servants; And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"[Quran, Surah Yunus; 10:107] Masha'Allah how beautiful!
l- Quddus
The Holiest, The Most Pure, The Most Perfect, He who is free from all error, absentmindedness, is free from incapability and from any kind of defect.
59:23: He is God; there is no god but He, the King, the Holy, the Preserver, Protector, Guardian, the Strong, the Powerful, Omnipotent. Far too exalted is God for what they associate with Him.
The Holiest, The Most Pure, The Most Perfect, He who is free from all error, absentmindedness, is free from incapability and from any kind of defect.
59:23: He is God; there is no god but He, the King, the Holy, the Preserver, Protector, Guardian, the Strong, the Powerful, Omnipotent. Far too exalted is God for what they associate with Him.
(Moses) said: "O my Lord! expand me my breast; "Ease my task for me; "And remove the impediment from my speech, "So they may understand what I say: "And give me a Minister from my family, "Aaron, my brother; "Add to my strength through him, "And make him share my task: "That we may celebrate Thy praise without stint, "And remember Thee without stint: "For Thou art He that (ever) regardeth us."Surah Ta Ha 20 - 35 (Yusuf Ali) ♥
'' The duaa of Musa, alayhi salaam, is the duaa of the callers. Every Muslim, who intends to do dawah should recite this duaa. It is also a great reminder that we should do dawah with trustworthy and righteous companions. So that we can find strength in them and not falter from our duty.''
'' The duaa of Musa, alayhi salaam, is the duaa of the callers. Every Muslim, who intends to do dawah should recite this duaa. It is also a great reminder that we should do dawah with trustworthy and righteous companions. So that we can find strength in them and not falter from our duty.''
~''~*~Angels Stand At The Gate Of The Mosque~*~''~
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet(Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "When it is a Friday, the angels stand at the gate of the mosque and keep on writing the names of the persons coming to the mosque in succession according to their arrivals. The example of the one who enters the mosque in the earliest hour is that of one offering a camel (in sacrifice). The one coming next is like one offering a cow and then a ram and then a chicken and then an egg respectively. When the Imam comes out (for Jumu'a prayer) they (i.e. angels) fold their papers and listen to the Khutba."
[Bukhari :: Book 13 :: Volume 2 :: Hadith 51]
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet(Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) said, "When it is a Friday, the angels stand at the gate of the mosque and keep on writing the names of the persons coming to the mosque in succession according to their arrivals. The example of the one who enters the mosque in the earliest hour is that of one offering a camel (in sacrifice). The one coming next is like one offering a cow and then a ram and then a chicken and then an egg respectively. When the Imam comes out (for Jumu'a prayer) they (i.e. angels) fold their papers and listen to the Khutba."
[Bukhari :: Book 13 :: Volume 2 :: Hadith 51]
Abu Sa`id reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, "Perform the enduring goods deeds (al-baaqiyaat al-SaliHaat) more frequently." They asked, "What are these enduring good deeds?" The Prophet (SAW) replied: "Takbir [Allahu Akbar], Tahlil [la ilaha illallah], Tasbih [Subhan'Allah], alhamdulillah, and la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah."
When MOMIN will enter into Jannat, it will be announced
1) You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come.
2) You will remain alive for ever, death will never come.
3) You will remain in bounties which will never be finished.
Jannat is made with:
Bricks of Gold and Silver
Its cement is of perfumed Musk
Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot
Its sand is Zafraan
There are eight doors of Jannat. These are eight grades of Jannat:
1. Jannatul Mava
2. Darul Maqaam
3. Darul Salaam
4. Darul Khuld
5. Jannat-ul-Adan
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous
Jannatul Mava is in the lowest,
Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle &
Jannat-ul- Firdous is on the highest.
Food of Jannat:
They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years
Every bowl will have a new taste
They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water
There will be no urine and stool
Place Name:
There will be gardens in Jannat.
Every garden will have the length of about 100 year ' s journey.
The shadow of these gardens will be very dense.
Their plants will be free of thorns.
The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants.
Their fruits will be hanging in rows.
Those who love each other for the sake of Allah will get a pillar of Yaqoot, on which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms. These will shine for the residents of Jannat as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya
There will be rooms in Jannat in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets. On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served. For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls.
One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms. The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher. These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free of seeds. The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver.
There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big. The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher.
Someone asked, ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam): will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe.
The Dresses of Jannat:
The dress of Jannat will be very beautiful.
One will wear 70 dresses at a time.
These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors.
These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear.
There will be four canals in every Jannat:
1. Water.
2. Milk.
3. Honey.
4. Sharabun Tahoora.
There will also be three fountains in Jannat:
1. Kafoor.
2. Zanjabeel.
3. Tasneem.
Qualities of People of Jannat:
In Jannat,
Height of every MOMIN, will be equal to the height of Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet).
Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam).
Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) 30-33 years).
Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam).
Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam).
Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam).
Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam).
If a person makes Du ' a for Jannat three times, Jannat requests Allah that O, Allah; make his entry into Jannat.
And if a person makes Du ' a for safety from Jahannum three times, The Jahannnum requests Allah that, O, Allah; save him from Jahannum.
Please pass on and may Allah grant the entire Ummah of Nabi sallalahu alayhi wasallam Jannat ul Firdous Ameen!
Every good act is charity.
JAZAK ALLAHU KHAIR- May Allah Forgive our sins... Ameen!
Remember the Prophet P.B.U.H said if u have knowledge pass it on even if it is just one verse. So Forward this message and help us in our Mission to keep the Muslim Youth on the right path, ISLAM.
1) You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come.
2) You will remain alive for ever, death will never come.
3) You will remain in bounties which will never be finished.
Jannat is made with:
Bricks of Gold and Silver
Its cement is of perfumed Musk
Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot
Its sand is Zafraan
There are eight doors of Jannat. These are eight grades of Jannat:
1. Jannatul Mava
2. Darul Maqaam
3. Darul Salaam
4. Darul Khuld
5. Jannat-ul-Adan
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous
Jannatul Mava is in the lowest,
Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle &
Jannat-ul- Firdous is on the highest.
Food of Jannat:
They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years
Every bowl will have a new taste
They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water
There will be no urine and stool
Place Name:
There will be gardens in Jannat.
Every garden will have the length of about 100 year ' s journey.
The shadow of these gardens will be very dense.
Their plants will be free of thorns.
The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants.
Their fruits will be hanging in rows.
Those who love each other for the sake of Allah will get a pillar of Yaqoot, on which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms. These will shine for the residents of Jannat as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya
There will be rooms in Jannat in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets. On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served. For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls.
One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms. The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher. These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free of seeds. The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver.
There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big. The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher.
Someone asked, ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam): will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe.
The Dresses of Jannat:
The dress of Jannat will be very beautiful.
One will wear 70 dresses at a time.
These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors.
These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear.
There will be four canals in every Jannat:
1. Water.
2. Milk.
3. Honey.
4. Sharabun Tahoora.
There will also be three fountains in Jannat:
1. Kafoor.
2. Zanjabeel.
3. Tasneem.
Qualities of People of Jannat:
In Jannat,
Height of every MOMIN, will be equal to the height of Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet).
Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam).
Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) 30-33 years).
Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam).
Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam).
Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam).
Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam).
If a person makes Du ' a for Jannat three times, Jannat requests Allah that O, Allah; make his entry into Jannat.
And if a person makes Du ' a for safety from Jahannum three times, The Jahannnum requests Allah that, O, Allah; save him from Jahannum.
Please pass on and may Allah grant the entire Ummah of Nabi sallalahu alayhi wasallam Jannat ul Firdous Ameen!
Every good act is charity.
JAZAK ALLAHU KHAIR- May Allah Forgive our sins... Ameen!
Remember the Prophet P.B.U.H said if u have knowledge pass it on even if it is just one verse. So Forward this message and help us in our Mission to keep the Muslim Youth on the right path, ISLAM.
Our worst enemy is our Nafs.
A true warrior will fight his Nafs before fighting with others.
A true warrior will recognise the enemy closer to home.
A true warrior will realise that this Jihad an-Nafs is an ongoing battle.. for the stronger his imaan gets, the harder the battle becomes.. But the more he continues to fight, the more successful he becomes,
A true warrior will fight his Nafs before fighting with others.
A true warrior will recognise the enemy closer to home.
A true warrior will realise that this Jihad an-Nafs is an ongoing battle.. for the stronger his imaan gets, the harder the battle becomes.. But the more he continues to fight, the more successful he becomes,
Gift-giving is one of the good manners that maintains and strengthens relations between the giver and the recipient. It is one of the acts that Prophet Muhammad recommended us -Muslims- to do. Al-Bukhaari narrated that ‘Aa’ishah said: “The Messenger of Allaah used to accept gifts and reward people for giving them.”
The phrase: “Reward people for giving them,” means giving the giver (at a later time) something of equal value at least in return. This Hadeeth (narration) indicates that accepting gifts and giving something of equal value (or more) to the giver is the way of the Prophet .
The Prophet enjoined responding in kind to favours, as he said in an authentic narration: “Whoever does you a favour, respond in kind, and if you cannot find the means of doing so, then keep praying for him until you think that you have responded in kind.” [Abu Daawood]
“Whoever does you a favour,” means, whoever treats you kindly in word or deed or by gifting you.
“Respond in kind,” means to treat him kindly just as he has treated you kindly.
“If you cannot find the means of doing so” means if you do not have the money.
“Until you think that you have responded in kind” means, repeatedly supplicate for him until you think that you have rewarded him his due.
One of the Du’aa’ forms that one can say is ‘Jazaaka Allaahu khayran’ (may Allaah reward you with good). At-Tirmithi narrated that Usaamah Ibn Zayd said: The Messenger of Allaah said: “Whoever has a favour done for him and says ‘Jazaak Allaahu khayran’ has done his utmost to thank him.” [At-Tirmithi]
“Done his utmost to thank him,” means that he has done his utmost to express his gratitude, because he has acknowledged his shortcomings and that he is unable to reward and thank him enough, so he refers the matter to Allaah, to reward him in the best manner. It is said that: “If you are unable to give him back in kind, then speak at length thanking him and supplicating for him.” [Tuhfat Al-Ahwathi]
Also, The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said: “Exchange gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love to one another.” [Al-Bukhaari]
Have you gifted anyone recently purely for the sake of Allah SWT ?
The phrase: “Reward people for giving them,” means giving the giver (at a later time) something of equal value at least in return. This Hadeeth (narration) indicates that accepting gifts and giving something of equal value (or more) to the giver is the way of the Prophet .
The Prophet enjoined responding in kind to favours, as he said in an authentic narration: “Whoever does you a favour, respond in kind, and if you cannot find the means of doing so, then keep praying for him until you think that you have responded in kind.” [Abu Daawood]
“Whoever does you a favour,” means, whoever treats you kindly in word or deed or by gifting you.
“Respond in kind,” means to treat him kindly just as he has treated you kindly.
“If you cannot find the means of doing so” means if you do not have the money.
“Until you think that you have responded in kind” means, repeatedly supplicate for him until you think that you have rewarded him his due.
One of the Du’aa’ forms that one can say is ‘Jazaaka Allaahu khayran’ (may Allaah reward you with good). At-Tirmithi narrated that Usaamah Ibn Zayd said: The Messenger of Allaah said: “Whoever has a favour done for him and says ‘Jazaak Allaahu khayran’ has done his utmost to thank him.” [At-Tirmithi]
“Done his utmost to thank him,” means that he has done his utmost to express his gratitude, because he has acknowledged his shortcomings and that he is unable to reward and thank him enough, so he refers the matter to Allaah, to reward him in the best manner. It is said that: “If you are unable to give him back in kind, then speak at length thanking him and supplicating for him.” [Tuhfat Al-Ahwathi]
Also, The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said: “Exchange gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love to one another.” [Al-Bukhaari]
Have you gifted anyone recently purely for the sake of Allah SWT ?
Get angry sometimes? If so, try to calm yourself down. Then remember that you want true success:
"And those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, and when they are angry, they forgive" [42:37]
"And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers" [42:40]
"And those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, and when they are angry, they forgive" [42:37]
"And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers" [42:40]
Sayyidi wa Imami Shaykh-ul-AkbarAbu Muhammad Abdul Qadir Jilani, Radhu Allahu Anh( Ramadan 470 A.H/1077 CE --11 Rabi-ul-Akhir 561 A.H/1166 C.E) has woven a qasida (hymn) of 63 verses around these Asma-ul-Husna whose opening verses are:
Shara'tu Bi Tawheedil Ilahi Mubasmilaa
Sa Akhtimu Bi-dh-dhikril Hameedi Mujammila
Wa Ash-Hadu Annallah Laa Rabba Ghairuhu
Tanazzaha 'an Hasril Uquli Takammulaa
(transliteration from Fuyudhaatur-Rabbaniyya, p 52)
I start the Tawheed of Allah with Bismillah.
I will finish with the Zikr of Allah, the Most Beautiful.
And I bear witness that there is no Lord other than Allah.
Glorified is He, beyond human understanding, Most Perfect.
I start the Tawheed of Allah with Bismillah.
I will finish with the Zikr of Allah, the Most Beautiful.
And I bear witness that there is no Lord other than Allah.
Glorified is He, beyond human understanding, Most Perfect.
Shara'tu Bi Tawheedil Ilahi Mubasmilaa
Sa Akhtimu Bi-dh-dhikril Hameedi Mujammila
Wa Ash-Hadu Annallah Laa Rabba Ghairuhu
Tanazzaha 'an Hasril Uquli Takammulaa
(transliteration from Fuyudhaatur-Rabbaniyya, p 52)
I start the Tawheed of Allah with Bismillah.
I will finish with the Zikr of Allah, the Most Beautiful.
And I bear witness that there is no Lord other than Allah.
Glorified is He, beyond human understanding, Most Perfect.
I start the Tawheed of Allah with Bismillah.
I will finish with the Zikr of Allah, the Most Beautiful.
And I bear witness that there is no Lord other than Allah.
Glorified is He, beyond human understanding, Most Perfect.
“Fear your sins more than you fear the enemy as your sins are more dangerous to you than your enemy. We Muslims are only victorious over our enemy because their sins outnumber ours, not for any other reason. If our sins were equal to those of our enemy, then they would defeat us due to their superior numbers and resources.”
~ Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA)
~ Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA)
Whoever recites the words
"La ilaha illAllah hu wah dahu la sharika lahu la hul mulku wala hul hamdu wa hu wa ala kuli shayin qadeer"
(There is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone without any partners. To him belongs the dominion and praises. And he has power over all things)
One hundred times every day, there is a reward equal to freeing ten slaves for him, and a 100 good actions are recorded for him, and a 100 wrongs actions are removed from his record. That is a safeguard for him against shaytaan on that day untill the evening. (And no one brings anything more excellent than this, except the one who has done more than this, that is who recites these words more than one hundred times).
Recite it after Fajar salah inshallah
"La ilaha illAllah hu wah dahu la sharika lahu la hul mulku wala hul hamdu wa hu wa ala kuli shayin qadeer"
(There is none worthy of worship except Allah He is alone without any partners. To him belongs the dominion and praises. And he has power over all things)
One hundred times every day, there is a reward equal to freeing ten slaves for him, and a 100 good actions are recorded for him, and a 100 wrongs actions are removed from his record. That is a safeguard for him against shaytaan on that day untill the evening. (And no one brings anything more excellent than this, except the one who has done more than this, that is who recites these words more than one hundred times).
Recite it after Fajar salah inshallah
Aisha (r.a.) reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "The one who is proficient in the recitation of the Quran will be with the honourable and obedient scribes (angels) and he who recites the Quran and finds it difficult to recite, doing its best to recite it in the best way possible, will have a double reward."
[Al bukhari and Muslim]
[Al bukhari and Muslim]
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